
2024 Fire Safety at Workplaces: Boiler Fuel System Fire Drill in Tongliang Tianying WtE Power Plant

On the afternoon of 28th May, 2024, Tongliang Urban Management Bureau of Chongqing Municipality and Tongliang Tianying jointly organised the "2024 Fire Safety at Workplaces: Boiler Fuel System Fire Drill in WtE Power Plant". More than 80 people from Tongliang Urban Management Bureau, Tongliang Fire Services Department, Tongliang People's Hospital and Tongliang Tianying participated in the drill.


The drill simulates a scenario where an oil leakage in the boiler fuel system was not attended to, and a worker was welding in the vicinity of the leakage, when fire sparks fell into the puddle of the leaked oil, triggering a fire incident and trapping workers inside the plant.


Tongliang Tianying soon gathered rescue team, evacuation team, logistics support team, and medical team to coordinate the firefighting work. The teams disconnected power switches, closed the oil valves, sent off regional alarms, guided the rescue, and provided life support for “injured patients”. The drill tasks were all successfully completed.


Subsequently, Tongliang Fire Services Department carried out training on the correct use of firefighting equipment to the drill participants. The hands-on practice further enhanced trainees’ capabilities to conduct self-rescue and mutual aid.

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