
Inheriting Red Genes and Gathering Strengths - CNTY Party Committee Organized the Tomb-sweeping Activity

To enhance the unity and capacity of the party organization, and strengthen the integrity and patriotism of party members, CNTY Party Committee organized the tomb-sweeping activity themed as "Inheriting Red Genes and Gathering Strengths" at the Hai'an Memorial Park for New Fourth Army Martyrs on the afternoon of March 29. 


Group Photo

Standing solemnly in front of the Monument to the New Fourth Army Martyrs, the party members listened to their glorious deeds and observed a moment of silence. Party representatives placed flower baskets before the Monument and fresh flowers on the graves of those martyrs.

CNTY Deputy Party Secretary Liu Lanying read out the memorial messages to express infinite grief and respect to the revolutionary martyrs. She called on the party members to keep in mind the legacy of the martyrs, take proactive work attitudes, and play the exemplary role as pioneering party members, so as to gather strengths for comprehensively advancing the Chinese modernization.


CNTY Deputy Party Secretary Liu Lanying read out the memorial messages 

In front of the bright red party flag and solemn Monument, all the party members raised their right hands and recited the party oath. Such powerful and heartfelt oath embodies their determination and confidence to forge ahead and dedicate themselves to the society and the country.

After the memorial ceremony, they visited the New Fourth Army United Resistance Memorial Hall and the New Fourth Army United Resistance Character Hall. Extensive historical relics, precious pictures and documentary materials vividly reproduced the glorious deeds of these martyrs in the war of resistance against Japan.

This tomb-sweeping activity enhanced the integrity of these party members and strengthened their determination to devote themselves to the environmental protection and new energy cause. They all expressed their commitment to learn from martyr' great spirit of sacrifice and dedication, making continuous efforts to boost the high-quality development of CNTY.

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