
Safety Production Special Deployment Meeting Held at Rudong Tianheng

On the afternoon of 21st February, Rudong Tianheng held the "2024 Safety Production Special Deployment Meeting". More than 300 people attended the meeting, including the staff of General Management Office, all the staff of Supervision and Safety Department, the heads of first-line departments, and the heads of projects and stations.

Zhu Yongjia, manager of the Supervision and Safety Department, conducted a training session on safety production in detail with the theme of "how to correctly find and deal with safety hazards" which mainly focused on nine topics.

At the meeting, the front-line staff representatives including driver Liu Keyin, cleaner Zhang Yushan, and cleaner Li Bin made a statement that they will firmly establish the "safety first" awareness in their future work, and strictly carry out safety instructions in doing their jobs.

General Manager Yang Jianyin pointed out that production safety is the top priority of the company's operation and development, which is closely related to the life and safety of the staff, the immediate interests of the people, and high-quality development of the company.

He stressed that everyone should be responsible for their production safety. For example, fleet drivers should strictly comply to traffic rules, maintain good driving habits, do a good job in the daily maintenance of vehicles, and drive safely especially during windy, foggy, rainy and snowy days.

He encouraged all employees to implement the instructions given at the training session and the meeting, with a more pragmatic style of working, a stronger sense of safety, and a fuller commitment to the tasks.


At the meeting


At the safety training session

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