
China Tianying Receives Multiple Honours from the Municipal Government

On 17th February, 2024, the Conference on High Quality Development of Entity Economy of Hai’an City and the Award Ceremony of Influential Entrepreneurs of the Year 2023 were held in Hai’an Grand Theatre. China Tianying won the honours of "Advanced Enterprise in Open Economy", "Enterprise with Tax Contribution of over 100 Million Yuan" and "Top 100 Industrial Enterprises", and Chairman Yan Shengjun won the honours of "Six-star Entrepreneur" and "Hai'an Influential Entrepreneur 2023".

In 2024, China Tianying will be courageous and dare to act, continue to promote the high-quality development of the real economy of Hai’an, and strive to create a new performance worthy of the times.


Chairman Yan Receives "Hai'an Influential Entrepreneur 2023"

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