
China Tianying's Innovative New Energy Business Honored with Multiple "Zero Carbon China" Awards

On November 8th, during the sixth China International Import Expo, in line with the implementation of the "dual-carbon" goals and the promotion of energy structural adjustments to support the dissemination of green and zero-carbon technologies, as well as to strengthen international practical cooperation and exchanges, the 2023 (4th) International Carbon Neutrality and Green Investment Conference, along with the 2nd Zero Carbon China Urban Summit, took place as scheduled at the Shanghai National Exhibition and Convention Center. The conference was organized by the China Investment Association, co-hosted by the George H. W. Bush China-U.S. Relations Foundation and the U.S. National Center for Sustainable Development. China Tianying's Chairman Yan Shengjun, Party Secretary and CEO Cao Debiao, Vice President Li Jun, and others were invited to attend the event.


Under the theme of "Building the Belt and Road, Creating a Zero Carbon Vision," the conference focused on global opportunities for carbon neutrality, discussing the global path to achieving zero carbon emissions through discussions on development trends, international cooperation, corporate practices, and energy transition. Cao Debiao delivered a keynote speech, analyzing the international and domestic industry development trends from the perspectives of environmental protection, renewable energy, and win-win cooperation. He showcased the fruitful achievements of China Tianying in the "environmental protection + renewable energy" dual-engine-driven strategy and introduced the company's notable business projects, particularly along the Belt and Road Initiative. This comprehensive display highlighted China Tianying's international development strength and its significant contributions to global zero-carbon cooperation.


During the conference, the "Zero Carbon China Bio-Natural Gas" blue book was released, along with the launch of pilot projects for "Zero Carbon Parks," "Zero Carbon Factories," and "Zero Carbon Villages." China Tianying's demonstration park for the 100MWh gravity energy storage project in Rudong was selected as a pilot project for the "Zero Carbon Park" standard. Furthermore, due to its remarkable achievements in unlocking the potential of green investment cooperation, expanding international energy technology cooperation, and fostering innovative zero-carbon technologies, China Tianying was honored with the recognition of "Annual Special Contribution Institution" at the conference.



In recent years, China Tianying has made extensive and in-depth deployments in various businesses, such as wind power generation, energy storage, green hydrogen and ammonia, and equipment manufacturing, with gravity energy storage technology as its entry point. The company has continuously signed contracts and initiated large-scale zero-carbon energy storage projects, actively constructing a complete new energy industry chain. In the future, China Tianying will adhere to the "environmental protection + renewable energy" development strategy and strive to create a higher-level new energy business landscape amidst international development. It aims to contribute wisdom to the realization of the "dual-carbon" goals and the transition to green energy, thereby facilitating the creation of a greener, digitized, industrialized, and intelligent future for the Earth's environment.


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