
Fuzhou Tianying EcoEnergy Holds the 8th Staff Fun Games

At the end of this September, Fuzhou Tianying EcoEnergy held the 8th Staff Fun Games, staging a wonderful sports feast.

The games were divided into group and individual competitions, with six items, including tug-of-war, table tennis, billiards, threading the needle, basketball shooting, and clamping table tennis. Employees could sign up for the games they’d like to compete in on a voluntary basis. The tug-of-war was tense and breathtaking, reflecting teamwork and willpower of both sides. The needle threading was even more interesting, with thin threads fluttering on players’ fingertips to test their dexterity. Other games like table tennis, billiards, and basketball were all very exciting and well-received.

The Staff Fun Games has been held for eight consecutive years, which is highly popular among the employees of Fuzhou Tianying EcoEnergy, who pays attention to employee care and welfare. The company will continue carrying out cultural and sports activities that are beneficial to the body and mind of the employees in the future, so as to build up a dynamic and cohesive workforce.


Basketball shooting


Table tennis


Threading needles



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