
Reading Joy—Another "Home" for Yangzhou TianYing Employees

On the afternoon of September 5, 2023, at 2 o'clock, led by Wang Kaiyu, the chairman of the Jiangdu District Labor Union, the "Employee Library" inspection team arrived at Yangzhou TianYing Environmental Energy Co., Ltd. Accompanied by Vice General Manager and Union Chairman Zhou Aibing and Comprehensive Department Manager Bian Fangfang, they conducted an assessment and acceptance of the establishment of the "Employee Library" in our company.

The inspection and acceptance were carried out through listening, checking, and observing. In the activity room, Chairman Zhou Aibing gave a detailed introduction to the operation of the library to the union inspection team and expressed the commitment to continue creating a reading atmosphere, nurturing a literary culture, and promoting a series of reading activities and exchanges to make more and more employees fall in love with reading.

After listening to the report, the inspection team fully affirmed the establishment and operation of our company's library. The library passed the acceptance and was honored with the title of "Employee Library" and a collection of books worth 10,000 yuan.

"As birds need to flap their wings before they can fly high, and to progress, people need to read." Yangzhou Yingneng, with the aim of improving the literacy of its employees, cultivates and stimulates their enthusiasm for reading through the "Employee Library." It inspires and encourages more employees to read, fully leveraging the cultural function of the "Employee Library," and turning it into a "knowledge carrier" that promotes employees' self-improvement, self-enhancement, and self-transcendence.


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