
    CNTY completed the acquisition of Urbaser

    On November 1, 2018, CNTY received the approval of the company's major asset restructuring from the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Till then, CNTY had completed all the required procedures for the acquisition of the world's environmental giant Urbaser, and took big strides into the world environmental arena.

    As an active response to the national development strategy, CNTY acquired the environmental giant Urbaser and boosted the technological upgrade in the industry

    In recent years, the regulatory authority has repeatedly proposed “to unswervingly prevent and treat pollution, strengthen efforts in waste sorting and solid waste disposal, and deeply participate in global environmental governance”. Urbaser is an integrated service provider of the whole industry chain in environmental protection. CNTY’s restructuring has actively responded to the national development strategy, introduced advanced environmental protection technologies and operational experience, and effectively solved technical problems of “mix after sorting” and the “NIMBY effect” of incineration proposed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

    CNTY will jump into the world’s leading camp in environmental protection

    This restructuring is of great significance to the development of CNTY and China's environmental protection industry. With CNTY and Urbaser both in the environmental management industry, CNTY’s restructuring is a key strategic measure for CNTY to realize the expansion of the whole urban services industrial chain and the global business layout. After the restructuring, CNTY will become a large-scale environmental protection enterprise group with global influence with its position in the world environmental protection field effectively strengthened. By integrating resources in both Chinese and overseas markets, CNTY is able to build a world-renowned Chinese brand in the environmental industry in the real sense.

    The “Dual Brands and Dual Platforms” strategy of “CNTY+Urbaser” has huge synergy effects that boost development

    The “Dual Brands and Dual Platforms” strategy of “CNTY+Urbaser” has huge synergy effects. Since CNTY announced the acquisition of Urbaser in December 2017, CNTY has successfully won many key provincial and municipal urban service projects and end treatment projects in the domestic market, such as Hai'an Urban Service Project, Rugao Urban Service Project, Luoping Urban Service Project, Xiangcheng Urban Service Project, Guyuan Circular Economy Industrial Park Project, and Lhasa Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment Project, and consecutively won multiple quality bids in Asian WTE markets, such as Phu Tho, Thanh Hoa and Hanoi in Vietnam and Tuas in Singapore. The volume of new contracts is equivalent to or even doubles that of CNTY previously.

    With the successful injection of Urbaser's high-quality assets, CNTY will embark on a journey of global business development. Facing the huge market opportunities both at home and abroad, CNTY will truly realize the “participation in global environmental governance”.


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