
China Tianying and Armenian Embassy in China Jointly Held the "Beautiful Land, Beautiful Together" Armenian Cultural Week Event

From May 15th to May 22nd, 2023, the "Beautiful Land, Beautiful Together" Armenian Cultural Week event, jointly organized by China Tianying and the Armenian Embassy in China, was held at the China Tianying Beijing Office. Attendees at the opening ceremony included Armenian Ambassador to China Manasaryan and all diplomats of the embassy, Wang Li, Assistant Editor-in-Chief of Caixin Summit, and student representatives from the International Business School of Beijing Foreign Studies University.

At the opening ceremony, Xu Chengzhi, Vice President of China Tianying, delivered a welcome speech. He stated that the Republic of Armenia has a long and rich history and is the world's first Christian country, leaving a profound cultural imprint in the more than 6,000 years of history. The tree that grows high must have roots, and the water that flows a thousand miles must have its source. Historical culture is the link between the present and the past, and China Tianying is honored to celebrate Armenia's unique cultural traditions with the Armenian Embassy. He also emphasized that as an international environmental protection and new energy enterprise, China Tianying has always adhered to an internationalization strategy and actively engaged in green economy and public diplomacy practices. Through active layout in the environmental protection industry, new energy, especially in the field of gravity energy storage, we work together with global partners to protect the ecological environment.

Ambassador Manasaryan subsequently expressed in his speech that the Armenian Embassy in China is pleased to have established a close friendship with China Tianying and thanked China Tianying for its strong support for the smooth holding of this cultural week event. He believes that the two sides will carry out more extensive cooperation in various fields in the future.

The cultural week event showcased 24 oil paintings with Armenian landscapes and culture as the theme, created by Chinese and Armenian artists, fully demonstrating the unique inland Christian country customs and culture of Armenia. In addition, the cultural week also hosted an Armenian coffee salon to celebrate Armenia's unique and long-standing cultural traditions. Armenian coffee has a long history and is ground into powder and brewed in a special long-handled copper coffee pot, with a strong taste. In Armenia, coffee is not only a daily drink but also a symbol of traditional culture. The local people offer this drink to visiting guests. During the event, Ms. Elena, a counselor at the Armenian Embassy, and Ms. Anna, a first secretary, demonstrated how to make Armenian coffee on-site, invited guests to taste it, and received high praise from the guests.

As the closing event of the cultural week, the Armenian dance workshop made its debut. Ambassador Manasaryan, Vice President Xu Chengzhi, Armenian dance teacher Kristina, and all the guests took the opportunity to participate in cross-cultural international exchange activities with the theme of "dancing together" and immersed themselves in Armenian dance culture. Kochari Dance is the most popular and well-preserved traditional dance in Armenia, often performed at Armenian festivals, celebrations, family rituals, and other social activities. Dancers stand side by side or hold hands to form a circle, representing the unity and mutual respect of the Armenian people.

This joint Armenian Cultural Week event is the first cultural promotion activity carried out by the Armenian Embassy in China in cooperation with a Chinese enterprise, and has received high attention from the Armenian Ambassador to China and the embassy. The successful holding of the cultural week event demonstrates the history and inheritance of friendly exchanges between Central Asia and China, promotes the broad vision and high position of China Tianying's internationalization, and further consolidates the friendly relationship between China Tianying and the Armenian Embassy in China.


Armenian Ambassador to China Manasaryan


Armenian Ambassador to China Manasaryan and Xu Chengzhi


Family photo of guests

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