
The 2023 Nantong Rural Environmental Governance Comprehensive Operation Service Association Member Enterprise Symposium was Successfully Held

On April 15th, 2023, the 2023 Nantong Rural Environmental Governance Comprehensive Operation Service Association Member Enterprise Symposium was successfully held at China Tianying Co., Ltd. Officials attending the event included Shi Jian, the fourth-level researcher of the Nantong Municipal Water Resources Bureau, Zhu Chengyong, director of the bureau, Zhang Hongbing, director of the bureau, Wang Jianzhong, director of the Nantong Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Ke Guangming, deputy director of the Hai'an Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, Wang Kaijun, deputy director of the Hai'an Rural Environmental Comprehensive Improvement Office, Hua Haiyan, vice president of China Tianying Co., Ltd., Zhang Zongbin, deputy general manager of Jiangsu Yinghuan City Environmental Services Co., Ltd., and representatives of other member enterprises of the Nantong Rural Environmental Governance Comprehensive Operation Service Association.

At the beginning of the meeting, Director Zhu Chengyong organized the attendees to study the "Nantong Human Settlement Environment Remediation Inspection and Assessment Measures", requiring all enterprises to closely focus on the implementation of the measures and strengthen their understanding of relevant regulations, to lay a good foundation for the construction of beautiful and livable ecological villages with high levels of ecological protection, environmental beauty, cultural beauty, and management.

Hua Haiyan, vice president of China Tianying Co., Ltd., spoke about the current market-oriented operation of rural environmental services and the difficulties encountered in operation. She emphasized the need for member enterprises to strengthen cooperation, establish communication mechanisms, and avoid malicious competition. At the same time, the government and enterprises need to work together to strengthen publicity and guidance for villagers, and contribute to the realization of rural revitalization and the construction of beautiful rural areas.

Chang Qi, chairman of Jiangsu Jubang Environmental Engineering Group Co., Ltd., stated that all enterprises should strengthen communication and consultation, enhance their own competitiveness, and eliminate malicious competition. Representatives of other member enterprises also spoke about their own operational situations.

Finally, Shi Jian, the fourth-level researcher of the Nantong Municipal Water Resources Bureau, gave instructions. He fully affirmed the achievements of member enterprises and pointed out the problems in the current market-oriented operation of rural environmental governance by various enterprises. He also put forward specific requirements for the next steps of the association's work.

Through this symposium, government departments and member enterprises strengthened communication and exchange, and representatives of various enterprises spoke freely, achieving good results and laying a good foundation for the future cooperation of the association.


The meeting

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