
China Tianying Party Committee Themed Activities

In the afternoon of March 31, the Party Committee of China Tianying went to the Martyrs' Cemetery in Hai'an City and carried out a party day activity on the theme of "remembering the martyrs and carrying on the revolutionary gene".

All the party members stood in front of the Martyrs Monument and the bronze statue of General Su Yu, listened to their glorious deeds and paid a silent tribute to the forefathers. Afterwards, the party members laid a wreath at the martyrs' monument.

Liu Lanying, Deputy Party Secretary of CNTY gave a speech at the memorial service, expressing the mourning and high respect for the martyrs. Facing the solemn monument, all party members recited the party oath with Deputy Secretary Liu.

After the ceremony, the party members visited the SuZhong Seven Battles Seven Victories Museum in Hai’an. The historical objects, precious pictures and documents displayed in the museum all speak of the valour and sacrifice of the local countrymen and women who achieved victory and independence with their blood.


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