
Parent-Child Hands-on Experience in an Environmental Protection Classroom

On March 24, 2023, Nantong Tianying (NTTY) held an environmental protection class in collaboration with the Rudong Ecological and Environmental Bureau, offering an excellent environmental education activity for students and parents of Juegang Elementary School in Rudong County.

At the start of the event, staff from the Rudong Ecological and Environmental Bureau distributed a treasure map and matching pairs game to the students and parents of Juegang Elementary School. The parent-child garbage scavenger hunt team explored the waste incineration power plant in the field and listened to knowledge about waste disposal. Together, they searched for hidden treasures in the garbage. After the scavenger hunt, everyone shared their treasures with each other. The Rudong Ecological and Environmental Bureau and NTTY also presented the children with a knowledge gift package, wishing them a healthy and happy growth. The atmosphere at the event was cheerful and lively.

Through the scavenger hunt activity, the children and parents experienced the magic of turning waste into treasure. The students even wrote messages of goodwill on the treasures they found and hung them on the environmental protection tree in the NTTY exhibition hall as a souvenir.

This environmental protection class allowed children and parents to experience the difficulty of pollution control. They expressed their intention to more accurately classify and dispose of garbage according to standards in their future lives, conserve resources, and protect our ecological home that sustains our lives.


group photo


messages of goodwill from the children

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