
Yangzhou Tianying Eco-Energy Signs Waste Transportation Safety Agreements with Three Companies

On 15 February, in the presence of Zhang Lin, Director of Jiangdu District Environmental Management Office of Yangzhou and other guests, Yangzhou Tianying Eco-Energy signed waste transportation agreements with Poly Environment, Horizon and Cowarobot, respectively.

The Jiangdu District Environmental Management Office is the superior unit in charge of the companies signing the agreements. At the signing ceremony, Director Zhang encouraged all parties to take this opportunity to deepen cooperation and bring into play their respective advantages to achieve mutual benefits and win-win situation. Zhang Xiaokang, General Manager of Yangzhou Tianying Eco-Energy, briefly introduced the background of the cooperation, and expressed gratitude to the strong support given by the Management Office.

The signing of the agreements marks a new stage of cooperation between Yangzhou Tianying Eco-Energy and three companies in terms of safety issues concerning waste transportation within the plant and waste unloading, which is conducive to establishing a long-term, stable cooperation and deep friendship together.


Signing Ceremony

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