
China Tingying Won Several Government Awards

On 28 January 2023, Haian Municipal Government held the 2022 Annual Commendation Conference. China Tianying was honored as "Enterprise with Tax Contribution of Over 100 Million Yuan", "Top 50 Industrial Enterprises" and "Advanced Enterprise in Open Economy", and Chairman Yan Shengjun was awarded "Outstanding Contribution Award" and "6-star Entrepreneur". CNTY IT Director Wang HaiBin was awarded the title of "Top Ten New Haian People".

On February 1, 2023, Haian High-tech District held the 2022 Annual Commendation Conference. China Tianying was awarded the "Outstanding Contribution to Industrial Economy", "Advanced Group in Financial and Tax Increases", "Advanced Group in Science and Technology Talents" and " Advanced Group in Open Economy". The Chairman, Mr. Yan Shengjun, was awarded the title of "Excellent Entrepreneur".

In 2023, China Tianying will stand on a brand new starting point, continue to cultivate the environmental protection industry, continuously enrich the layout of the new energy industry chain, and make its due contribution to the high-quality development of Haian.


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