
Pucheng Tianying WtE Power Plant 1# Unit Successfully Connected to Grid

At 18:18 on 19 November 2022, Unit 1 of the Pucheng Tianying WtE power plant was successfully connected to the grid at its first trial, with all parameters of the unit running smoothly.

Commenced construction on 4 July 2019, the project is located at the high-tech industrial park in Pucheng County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, and with a design to process approximately 182,500 tonnes of waste per year and a feed-in tariff of 50,512,000 kWh, equivalent to approximately 15,900 tonnes of standard coal burned. On 8 November 2022, the plant passed the power quality inspection of the Shaanxi Provincial Power Quality Inspection Centre Station and was approved for grid connection.

To ensure that the turbine unit was successfully connected to the grid at one time, Pucheng Tianying set up a team led by General Manager Chen Gang, and gave detailed technical and safety briefings to all the employees at the turbine start-up meeting. Before the grid connection, the commissioning department made thorough deployment, and completed all the tests and commissioning work in strict accordance with the requirements of the whole set of unit start-up plan, and successfully completed grid connection at the planned time. Now the plant is making a full sprint towards 72+24 full load trial operation.



Pucheng Tianying Project Team

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