
Vehicle Disinfection to Help Prevent and Control the Pandemic

On October 13, 2022, a positive nucleic acid test result was found in Hai'an City, Jiangsu Province, and the emergency response was immediately activated, with rapid organization of tracing the source of the flow, site closure and control, personnel transfer, and environmental disinfection.

Hai’an Zhongying Plasma Technology company quickly activated vehicle disinfection and cooperated with government departments to carry out comprehensive disinfection of anti-epidemic medical vehicles and police vehicles. In order to ensure the closed-loop management of the disinfection work, the operation process was carried out by dedicated personnel.

By 12:00 pm on October 18, Hai’an Zhongying had completed the disinfection of 169 vehicles. In the face of the pandemic, all employees of Hai’an Zhongying kept their faith and took practical actions to build a safe barrier for the people of the city, avoiding the secondary spread of the pandemic due to the lack of vehicle disinfection.


vehicle Exterior disinfection


Hai'an ambulance decontamination station


Vehicle decontamination

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