
Siyang Smart Sorting Center Owned by China Tianying Successfully Passed Certification of Sorting Center for Renewable Resources

On 13 October 2022, Siyang Smart Sorting Center invested by Jiangsu Tianying Resources Recycling Co., Ltd. successfully passed the certification of Sorting Center for Renewable Resources (certificate No. CSCA22G0026R0M). The scope of this certification covers the sorting, baling and related management activities of various recyclables, indicating that Siyang Smart Sorting Center meets the Code of Practice for the Construction and Management of Sorting Centers for Recyclables (SB/T 10720-2021) requirements by the Ministry of Commerce.

A subsidiary of China Tianying, Jiangsu Tianying Resources Recycling Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in construction, operation and equipment manufacturing of waste classification and resource recovery projects, aiming to become a leading enterprise in the domestic industry.

Jiangsu Tianying Resources Recycling uses IOT and mobile internet to manage the whole industrial chain of waste classification and recycling in a resource-oriented and data-oriented manner. The company is qualified to provide domestic waste classification services at the national level and is currently operating 24 waste classification and resource recovery projects, with 1,500 drop-off sites and 10 resource sorting centers operating on a regular basis across seven provinces, covering 650,000 households with an annual recycling capacity of 20,000 tons.

As the company’s first nationally certified sorting plant, Siyang Sorting Center demonstrates the competence of Jiangsu Tianying Resources Recycling to help local governments in their waste reduction and resource recovery efforts with better efficiency and cost performance.


Siyang Smart Sorting Center


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