
Two Pollution Treatment Facilities Operation Services of China Tianying Successfully Passed Level 1 Certification

On August 3 to 4, 2022, two on-site reviews of the operation services of solid waste treatment and disposal facilities (domestic waste incineration facilities) and domestic waste leachate treatment facilities were conducted at the headquarters of China Tianying and its Hai' an Waste to Energy Power Plant. The review team reviewed the relevant management system and daily operation of the facilities, which showed that all the items reviewed met the requirements of RJGF 303-2021 "Technical Specification for Certification of Operation Services of Pollution Control Facilities".

On 30 August 2022, China Tianying was awarded the Class I Certificate for Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal Facility Operation Service (Domestic Waste Incineration Facility) and Class I Certificate for Domestic Waste Leachate Treatment Facility Operation Service by China Environment Association (Beijing) Certification Centre.

Obtaining the highest level of certification for solid waste and domestic waste leachate treatment facilities is of great significance to China Tianying's environmental protection business, highlighting the company's high standard and professionalism in environmental pollution management activities, and enhancing its market competitiveness.



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