
Nantong Tianhong Braves the Heat to Help Create the Civilized City

To help Nantong build a civilized city and further improve the quality of environmental hygiene in the urban area, Nantong Tianhong (a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Tianying) carried out full-coverage and seamless environmental remediation work in the face of continuous high temperature.

First, comprehensive removal of hygiene dead ends. The person in charge of each operation regularly inspects the key roads, shopping malls, farmers' markets and other weak links in environmental hygiene within the scope of responsibility, so that problems can be found and resolved in time. At the same time, sanitation personnel go into the back streets and alleys, main and secondary roads, to clean up the the small ads on walls and utility poles.

Second, improve the quality of road cleaning. Comprehensively optimize the combination of human and machine operation mode, through the reasonable deployment of washing vehicles, sprinklers, dust suppression vehicles, etc., combined with manual cleaning, increase the frequency of cleaning operations in key areas.

Third, ensure proper maintenance of facilities and equipment. Special staff were arranged to scrub rubbish bins and other facilities every day, and detailed records were kept of old equipment that needed to be repaired and replaced to ensure timely replacement and maintenance. In July alone, Nantong Tianhong repaired and replaced a total of 110 rubbish bins and reprinted 50 waste classification signs. After daily operations, the driver also washes and maintains the operating vehicles in a timely manner to ensure that they are clean and tidy.

Fourth, strengthen the management of public restrooms. The "at any time + regular" repeated disinfection mode was implemented to increase the frequency of disinfection in public toilets, effectively preventing the spread of bacteria and curbing the breeding of mosquitoes; the maintenance of equipment in restrooms was increased and damaged facilities were replaced in a timely manner; according to the location of public toilets, the cleaning sequence was reasonably arranged to ensure a clean environment inside and outside public toilets.

Fifth, urban waste is cleared on the same day. Nantong Tianhong removes waste in strict accordance with the prescribed time, routes and points, improves operational standards and efficiency, and ensures that domestic waste is transported airtight and cleared on the same day. In addition, during the operation in the early morning, in order to reduce the impact on residents, waste removal insists on low noise and zero pollution.


Dust control operation

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