
Jiangsu Tianying Environmental Energy Kicked Off the Second Session of 2022 Excellent Manager Training Program

On April 27, the opening ceremony of the second session of the 2022 Excellent Manager Training Program of Jiangsu Tianying Environmental Energy Company Limited was held in the CNTY headquarters. Cao Debiao, CEO of China Tianying, Wang Peng, Vice President of China Tianying and Chairman of Jiangsu Tianying, attended the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony was hosted by Qian Wei, General Manager of the General Department of Jiagnsu Tianying. Luo Guihua, Executive Vice General Manager of JSTY, introduced the learning tasks and curriculum of the training program, and Zhu Xianyong, Specialized Engineer of Qidong Tianying and Du Anming, Assistant General Manager of Haian Tianying, spoke as representatives of the trainees.

In his speech at the opening ceremony, Mr. Wang Peng, Chairman of JSTY, pointed out that under the trends of shrinking scale and number of new WTE projects, retreating state subsidies and increased emission standards, the WTE industry is entering the era where operation becomes vital. In order to build a team of talents with high management skills, outstanding professional abilities and strong business capabilities, he hoped that all trainees would set the goal of lifelong learning, insist on linking theory with practice, apply what they have learnt and put their knowledge into practice.

At the end of the ceremony, Mr. Cao Debiao, CEO of CNTY, gave some important instructions.

He first emphasized the importance of training and pointed out that human resources work should be implemented from four aspects: "selection", "utilization", "cultivation" and "retention". Training is linked to the "training" aspect of talent and is of vital importance. Training is also necessary for the development of the company. High-quality development requires more talent to optimise processes and techniques, so as to solve the problems faced in the development process.

The CEO then put forward four requirements for this training program: Firstly, the participants were required to complete the course with quality and quantity, and apply the knowledge learned to work practice to improve their business ability and management level; secondly, the lecturers were required to prepare the lectures carefully, the content of the lectures should be combined with the work reality, and the quality of the lectures should be continuously improved; thirdly, JSTY could do a good job in organizing and managing the training, and establish a training system that covers the whole staff; fourthly, the Organization and Personnel Department was required to establish and improve the lecturer system and course system from the top design, and extend the model of this training program to the whole company, so as to consolidate the supply chain of talents for CNTY.

He concluded by emphasizing that the assessment of the training results and their application should be strengthened. The Organization and Personnel Department should work with JSTY to issue completion certificates for those who have completed the training and make obtaining the completion certificate through training a necessary condition for promotion inspection.

As a vital ballast for the survival and development of China Tianying, the WTE business must continue to grow, while building a talent pool is a key element for future growth. JSTY will continue to stimulate the passion of active learning among the staff and organize training sessions to promote the progress and improvement of staff. All the trainees will also take this training as an opportunity to make new contributions to the high-quality development of the company.


The opening ceremony of the second session of the 2022 Excellent Manager Training Program 

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