
China Tianying Won Awards at Hai'an City’s 2021 Annual Commendation Conference

In the afternoon of February 7, the 2021 Annual Commendation Conference of Hai’an City was held.

Yan Shengjun, Chairman of China Tianying, was awarded the title of "Six-star Entrepreneur" for the fourth consecutive year, and CNTY was awarded the honor of "Top 20 of 50 Strong Industrial Enterprises".

The year 2021 was the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the start of a new journey of socialist modernization. Under the leadership of the Party Committee and the Municipal Government of Hai’an, CNTY has made positive contributions to the development of the city by insisting on innovation and taking up corporate responsibilities.

In the new year,CNTY will continue to be innovation-oriented, focus on the high-quality development and make greater contributions to the modernization of Hai'an.


Mr. Yan Shengjun(second to the right) at the awarding ceremony


The 2021 Annual Commendation Conference 

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