
Zhangbei Yinghuan Urban Environmental Services Provides Sanitation Service For Winter Olympic Torch Relay

The Winter Olympic Torch came to pass in Desheng Village, Zhangbei County, at a time when people all over the country were gathering at homes for the New Year. Desheng Village is the second stop of the torch relay for the Winter Olympic Games in Zhangjiakou. 54 torchbearers completed the relay during the 3.3 km route. Government officials from Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou City and Hebei Province, media reporters as well as local people gathered at the scene, witnessing the passing of the torch.

Most of the torch relay route inside Desheng Village falls within the service area of Zhangbei Yinghuan Urban Environmental Services. On the eve before the torch relay, there was heavy snowfall in Zhangbei, which added difficulties to the sanitation work. To ensure a clean environment along the route, Zhangbei Yinghuan Urban Environmental Services stayed on the front line to provide environmental and safety guarantee for the torch relay.

The company quickly organized a special fleet to clear the snow and ice along the road overnight. A cleaning team of five skilled workers was also set up to cooperate with the fleet and clean the ice and snow stuck at road edge and pavements. Two mobile teams were set up to collect wastes and hangings on the trees along the route to ensure that there are no dead ends and omissions.


Vehicles cleaning snow


Workers cooperating with the vehicles

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