
China Tianying Recognized as Model Post-Doctoral Research Station by Jiangsu Province

Recently, the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Jiangsu Province announced the list of model post-doctoral research stations in Jiangsu for 2021. China Tianying is the only company from Nantong that became one of the 20 finalists. Up to now, there are only 80 companies in Jiangsu Province that have received this recognition.

Since its establishment in 2017, the post-doctoral research station of CNTY has continuously strengthened its infrastructure to ensure that personnel, funds, sites and equipment are fully guaranteed. The three postdocs working at the station have all achieved fruitful scientific research results and made a series of technological breakthroughs in various fields, such as resource recycling, fly ash secondary treatment and energy efficiency improvement of waste incinerators. Up to now, they have led or participated in the filing of 16 patents, published more than 10 research papers and 3 monographs, resulting in the transformation of a number of new products and winning 4 provincial honors.

CNTY will focus on its existing industrial advantages, continuously improve its independent innovation capability and market competitiveness, promote the development of the integration of industry and education and strengthen the collaboration with universities.

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