
Diamond Ring Turned Back From 6 Tonnes of Waste

"A customer's 20,000-yuan diamond ring was accidently thrown away!"

At 12:00 am on November 13, the call from the owner of a local barbeque eatery woke up Xie Qifeng, deputy director of Hai'an Sanitation East Station under Hai'an Yingqiang.

It turned out that a customer had left a diamond ring worth more than 20,000 yuan on the table when dining at the eatery, and the waiter accidentally put it into the rubbish bag together with other kitchen waste. Since last year, Hai'an Yingqiang has been collecting rubbish from the restaurant, and the ring should have already been collected and sent to the transfer station.

With nearly 6 tonnes of waste inside the transfer box, it would be extremely hard to find a small diamond ring from the huge pile of waste. But without saying a word, Xie Qifeng suspended the operation of the transfer box and jumped into the waste and started to search for the ring.

It was one o'clock in the morning, and the owner of the ring and others were starting to lose hope. Xie Qifeng insisted on searching for another five minutes and the ring was eventually found.

"I didn't expect to get it back at all, thank you so much!" The owner was so excited and kept thanking Xie Qifeng.

Xie Qifeng has always insisted that management go to the front line. He took the initiative to leave contact information for the merchants along the streets and conduct door-to-door waste collection, which enabled the merchants to contact him directly during circumstances like this to avoid unnecessary losses.


Xie Qifeng supervising on a working site

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