
Jiangsu Tianying Environmental Protection Energy Equipment Successfully Passes the Measurement Management System Certification Review

On 2-3 Sep, Beijing International Standard United Certification conducted an external certification review on Jiangsu Tianying Environmental Protection Energy Equipment.

The reviewing panel conducted a detailed assessment on relative documents, production workshops, product quality, operation management, energy saving and environmental monitoring, and put forward constructive comments regarding the measurement management system. The process was carried out with the support and cooperation of relevant departments of the company. At the final meeting held on September 3, the panel unanimously agreed that the measurement management system meets the requirements of the relevant standards and operates effectively, and recommended the company to obtain the AAA measurement management system certification.

Measurement is a prerequisite for technological innovation and plays a key role in product quality control. The successful certification of the measurement management system is a solid foundation for the expansion of our business at home and abroad, and is also an effective proof that the company is committed to meeting international standards and building up a scientific management system.


Visiting the plant


Panel discussion

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