
Intelligent Community Integrated Management Platform Goes Live in Hai'an


Intelligent community integrated management platform

On August 31, the intelligent community integrated management platform developed by Shanghai Zhiying Robotics Technology Co., Ltd. was successfully launched in the Municipal Governance Modern Command Center of the Hai'an city. The units participated in the platform launch review includes Hai'an Municipal Governance Modernization Command Center, the construction supervisor and the project contractor. On the same day, Zhiying Robotics introduced the main functions of the platform and gave key demonstrations and explanations on the functions of the relevant modules, such as city map, district map, building map, property map, owner and property mini-programs, and etc. The Command Center affirmed the implementation of the main functions of the platform.

In June this year, China Tianying was awarded the contract for the "Hai'an City Intelligent Community Integrated Management Platform" project. The municipal government clearly instructed that the project should follow the principles of "convenience, compliance, quality and standard". Under full communication with the Command Center, our team set up a special construction team for the platform, formulated construction work mechanism, construction plan and coordination mechanism. The team was directly based at the Command Center, overcoming difficulties such as a short construction phase, big task volume, and high customer requirements.

In early July, the project team conducted detailed research in 12 communities in Hai'an and gathered valuable opinions and suggestions from property owners and the client, and actively communicated with the city's authorities and Ruihai Group.

On 20 July, after listening to the report of the project team on the platform, the officers of Hai'an Political and Legislative Affairs Committee gave full affirmation to the work and achievements of the project at the stage, and instructed the administrative business departments to actively cooperate.

The successful launch and operation of the Intelligent Community Integrated Management Platform marks another new business segment of China Tianying entering the application stage. The intelligent platform will subsequently expand into various businesses such as intelligent industrial parks and intelligent cities, which are expected to serve on municipal, provincial, and national levels in the future.

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