
Yanliang Tianying Contributes to the 14th National Games in China

The 14th National Games in 2021 will be held in Xi'an in September. Rock climbing and skateboarding are included in the competition for the first time, and the Outdoor Extreme Sports Centre located in Yanliang District of Xi'an is one of the important competition venues for rock climbing and skateboarding.

In the afternoon of August 3rd, as the environmental service provider of Yanliang District, the relevant personnel of Yanliang Tianying Urban Environmental Service Co., Ltd. attended a special meeting organized by the government. At the meeting, Yanliang District Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau put forward three requirements for the preparation of the Games: firstly, to comprehensively sort out and investigate all areas to ensure that there are no sanitation dead corners; secondly, to extend the operation time and increase the frequency of cleaning services; thirdly, to strengthen timely detection of waste and fast cleaning.

After the meeting, the company quickly organized personnel to carry out strengthened cleaning activities. A total of 1,600 employees were deployed, 186 sprinklers and sweepers were used, 538 public facilities were scrubbed, 232 advertisements were cleaned, 68.2 tons of rubbish were cleared, 1,645 metres of isolation guardrails were cleaned and 874 metres of green belts were emptied, creating a further enhanced city environment.


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