
Vice Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee Nguyen Trong Dong Inspects Hanoi Waste-to-Energy Project

On March 2nd 2021, accompanied by Mr. Li Aijun, Vice President of China Tingying and other senior management of the company, Mr. Nguyen Trong Dong, Vice Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee, inspected the overall construction progress of the Hanoi Domestic Waste-to-Energy Power Plant.

According to the latest progress report of the Hanoi project, the project will start receiving waste on May 28th. Once put into operation, the project will have an average daily treatment capacity of 5,000 tonnes and an annual capacity of 1,825,000 tonnes.

The Hanoi project is currently located in the Nam Son waste treatment complex in Sok San district, Hanoi, which has a capacity of 5,500 tonnes per day and the waste is mainly buried in landfills, posing a great environmental hazard. The Hanoi WTE project will greatly improve Hanoi's urban environment when it starts operation.

After visiting the construction site of the Hanoi project, Vice Chairman Nguyen Trong Dong spoke highly of the achievements made in the construction of the project and asked the company to continue to work hard, speed up the construction of the project and strive to put it into operation as soon as possible, so as to contribute to the maintenance of Hanoi's urban environment and hygiene.

Hanoi Tianyu will keep its mission in mind and coordinate the efforts of all parties to ensure the smooth commissioning of the Hanoi project.

16. 視察施工現(xiàn)場

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