
Vietnam Politburo Member/Hanoi Party Secretary Vuong Dinh Hue Visited China Tianying WtE Project in Hanoi

On December 3rd, Vuong Dinh Hue, Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam and Party Secretary of Hanoi, visited China Tianying’s Waste to Energy (WtE) project located in SocSon, Hanoi. Mr. LI Aijun, Vice President of China Tianying Inc., introduced the development of the project on behalf of the team on site.


Mr. Vuong acknowledged the construction process of the project and spoke highly of the client and the construction contractor for their efforts to actively proceed the construction while containing the impact of the pandemic. He encouraged the whole crew to uphold the spirit of “fast speed and high quality” of the Chinese construction industry, coordinate works in different fronts and fight to ready the facility for operation as soon as possible so as to ease the waste treatment pressure for Hanoi. Mr. Vuong also commanded entourage officials from the city government, the Department of Construction, Health, Public Security and related departments that they fully cooperate with the project company to solve any difficulties and facilitate the advance of the construction.

The Hanoi Socson WtE project is invested and constructed by China Tianying Inc. With a total investment of over USD320 million and an installed capacity of 75 MW, the facility can handle 4000 tons of waste per day. When completed, it will be the largest WtE project in Vietnam and the second largest in the world. When put into operation, the Socson project would change the way municipal waste has been handled in Vietnam and significantly empower Hanoi in its waste treatment capacity.


(Design of the Hanoi SocSon WtE Project)

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